The top-level h1 element is used for web page titles, this component should be used only once per page.
A second-level header element. Can be used multiple times per page.
A third-level header element.
A paragraph of plain text.
A generic header, not hierarchical on the page. Can be styled like any hierarchical header element, if needed.
Every line in the list is turned into a bullet point.
Every line in the list is numbered.
A question and corresponding answer that is shown when the toggle-arrow is clicked.
Proin consequat augue in est volutpat, eget consequat neque dapibus.
Place an image, full-width.
The imagebox can be used in one of two ways, based on the given class.
The 'cover' class will have the image fill the whole box, even if it means that some parts of the image will not be visible.
The 'contain' class makes sure the whole image is visible, but this may lead to whitespace at the edges, either horizontally or vertically.
with class 'cover'
with class 'contain'
Set an image as the background, and overlay other components at will.
Puts a video component on the page, supported types are Youtube and Vimeo.
Note that this is 3rd-party content, and as such is susceptable to the users cookie settings.
Add a download link to a file on the website.
Make a complete folder, including subfolders, available for download.
Place a link to a page elsewhere in the website.
Place a link to an external website. This will be opened in a new tab.
Alternatively you can link to a section in this website that isn't reachable via a regular page, such as part of the catalog.
Place a link on the site, but have it look like a button.
Create an anchor-element, you can link to this specific point on the page. The element itself is invisible.
Create a set of links to a group of pages (they share a parentid).
A predefined card showing title, text, an image with a button and a link.
A nice description
A predefined card showing title, an image with a button and a link.
Place a card showing a single product. There's a couple of templates to choose from, like showing price and order information.
Shows a card with the address information for your company.
A card showing personal details of a person, e.g. your support staff.
A simple card, just showing a title, description, and an image.
Save 30% if you order before the end of the day!
Snippets are reusable pieces of content. They are stored separate from the page, on the page there's just a link to them. So when you edit a snippet, any page that embeds this snippet will reflect these changes.
Create a new snippet. It isn't actually saved separately until you click the 'Save & embed' button.
This snippet isn't actually stored separately yet. You can still edit it, and once you're satisfied, click the 'Save & embed' button.
Embeds an existing snippet on the page.
Deze snippet is gelinkt met de database. Je kunt deze snippet niet rechtstreeks wijzigen, hiervoor moet je eerst op de 'Unlink & edit' knop klikken. Je komt dan weer in de 'define' modus terecht.
Add a Google map, pick a center and zoom-level, and set a marker that can show some info.
Adds a Google Map, automatically centered on one of your defined company locations.
Add a variable amount of vertical whitespace between components.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ultrices eros nec justo sodales, in venenatis enim euismod. Curabitur sit amet nunc id tellus pellentesque iaculis molestie quis nisi. Morbi quis augue a dui sagittis
ursus est. Quisque vel placerat urna, vel iaculis tellus. Sed ut massa felis. Maecenas ornare molestie lorem, maximus convallis massa fermentum ut. Vivamus eget diam massa. Nulla luctus lectus et arcu pharetra, ac rhoncus metus molestie. Aenean molestie euismod sagittis. Suspendisse potenti
A horizontal line can be used as a separator between sections.
Shows the configured social media options.
Show some of the latest news items.
Imres, an Imperial company, participated in the provision of critical medical relief to NGOs in Haiti and Afghanistan. In the aftermath of the recent earthquake in Haiti, international aid organisations operating in the country approached Imres for Interagency Emergency Health Kits (IEHK) and...
Imres’ parent company Imperial announced today that it has entered into a transaction agreement regarding a cash offer from DP World to acquire all shares of Imperial. DP World, a global infrastructure-led supply chain solutions provider with 136 business units in 61 countries across six...
Show the top level of the catalog, and optionally one level below when you use the treeview style.
A tiled view showing manually selected products.
A tiled view showing a random selection of promoted products.
Show all the available brands with their logo and a link to the catalog page showing everything for the selected brand.
Change your cookie settings.
Group a set of components.
A paragraph component inside a group.
Shows a property list, which is a simple two-column table.
Create a slideshow of different components.
Create a gallery of different component, each with their own thumbnail.
Put any number of items in a container, and use the arrows to navigate between them.
Fusce vulputate elit turpis,
at pharetra diam maximus ut
Highlight a specific section of the page.
Possible options for stylings are ok, info, warning, danger, error. This one is ok.
Shows only the top part of the contents initially, but there's a button to show the rest.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ultrices eros nec justo sodales, in venenatis enim euismod. Curabitur sit amet nunc id tellus pellentesque iaculis molestie quis nisi. Morbi quis augue a dui sagittis molestie at ut leo. Vestibulum laoreet luctus porta. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin id cursus est. Quisque vel placerat urna, vel iaculis tellus. Sed ut massa felis. Maecenas ornare molestie lorem, maximus convallis massa fermentum ut. Vivamus eget diam massa. Nulla luctus lectus et arcu pharetra, ac rhoncus metus molestie. Aenean molestie euismod sagittis. Suspendisse potenti.
Duis vulputate justo ut elit suscipit, ut feugiat ipsum tincidunt. Aliquam eu convallis nisl, ut porta arcu. Nam scelerisque risus in mauris tincidunt commodo. Vestibulum ut nulla imperdiet, hendrerit purus vitae, dignissim libero. Morbi eleifend mollis nibh, et commodo turpis cursus sit amet. Fusce ac tellus nisl. Donec tempor odio nec felis convallis ullamcorper. Duis est nunc, hendrerit non tempor non, fringilla pretium elit. Aenean mi justo, malesuada eu dignissim eget, condimentum vel lacus. Cras tincidunt ligula massa, nec varius sapien dictum ac. Morbi sed malesuada orci, non suscipit arcu. In posuere lacus a ante faucibus, eget cursus velit tempus.
Fusce ut sodales quam. Nam auctor scelerisque nibh venenatis facilisis. Maecenas sit amet suscipit eros. Donec urna sem, blandit quis volutpat ac, convallis sit amet leo. Donec iaculis nisl vel nunc placerat, accumsan facilisis leo finibus. Maecenas nulla felis, ultrices ut odio et, fringilla fringilla justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla eget felis et nunc ornare egestas. Vestibulum fermentum convallis nisi sed aliquet. Morbi iaculis scelerisque imperdiet. Aenean luctus mauris in nulla tristique pellentesque. Morbi a luctus tortor, et interdum leo. Sed convallis placerat rutrum. Etiam porttitor lectus vitae placerat feugiat. Nam non pharetra ex, eget posuere erat.
Nulla tincidunt, ipsum at vulputate lobortis, turpis metus blandit lectus, vitae tincidunt orci purus non lorem. Vestibulum maximus at dolor vitae aliquet. Nullam fringilla placerat nisi, et ultricies tortor mattis id. Nulla efficitur ultrices nisl, vitae iaculis diam porttitor nec. Nulla varius eros vitae porta consequat. Nullam neque arcu, porttitor in dictum malesuada, feugiat eu ex. Cras volutpat tincidunt feugiat. Aenean aliquam sit amet lectus id ultricies. Vestibulum posuere velit at lectus tincidunt accumsan.
Etiam eleifend, magna at sodales porta, tortor ante vulputate tortor, in cursus turpis ligula vel dui. Nullam id augue eu diam lobortis finibus. Sed id urna ac ipsum feugiat posuere in sit amet risus. Integer ut porttitor sem. Donec porttitor vitae leo at condimentum. Nulla pulvinar magna odio, eget rhoncus dui suscipit eget. Donec nisi nibh, vulputate eu sapien vel, pharetra porta sem. Pellentesque in purus tempor, tempus sem a, commodo magna.
The contents are initially hidden on small and medium devices, but can be shown by clicking the button.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ultrices eros nec justo sodales, in venenatis enim euismod. Curabitur sit amet nunc id tellus pellentesque iaculis molestie quis nisi. Morbi quis augue a dui sagittis molestie at ut leo. Vestibulum laoreet luctus porta. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin id cursus est. Quisque vel placerat urna, vel iaculis tellus. Sed ut massa felis. Maecenas ornare molestie lorem, maximus convallis massa fermentum ut. Vivamus eget diam massa. Nulla luctus lectus et arcu pharetra, ac rhoncus metus molestie. Aenean molestie euismod sagittis. Suspendisse potenti.
Duis vulputate justo ut elit suscipit, ut feugiat ipsum tincidunt. Aliquam eu convallis nisl, ut porta arcu. Nam scelerisque risus in mauris tincidunt commodo. Vestibulum ut nulla imperdiet, hendrerit purus vitae, dignissim libero. Morbi eleifend mollis nibh, et commodo turpis cursus sit amet. Fusce ac tellus nisl. Donec tempor odio nec felis convallis ullamcorper. Duis est nunc, hendrerit non tempor non, fringilla pretium elit. Aenean mi justo, malesuada eu dignissim eget, condimentum vel lacus. Cras tincidunt ligula massa, nec varius sapien dictum ac. Morbi sed malesuada orci, non suscipit arcu. In posuere lacus a ante faucibus, eget cursus velit tempus.
Fusce ut sodales quam. Nam auctor scelerisque nibh venenatis facilisis. Maecenas sit amet suscipit eros. Donec urna sem, blandit quis volutpat ac, convallis sit amet leo. Donec iaculis nisl vel nunc placerat, accumsan facilisis leo finibus. Maecenas nulla felis, ultrices ut odio et, fringilla fringilla justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla eget felis et nunc ornare egestas. Vestibulum fermentum convallis nisi sed aliquet. Morbi iaculis scelerisque imperdiet. Aenean luctus mauris in nulla tristique pellentesque. Morbi a luctus tortor, et interdum leo. Sed convallis placerat rutrum. Etiam porttitor lectus vitae placerat feugiat. Nam non pharetra ex, eget posuere erat.
Nulla tincidunt, ipsum at vulputate lobortis, turpis metus blandit lectus, vitae tincidunt orci purus non lorem. Vestibulum maximus at dolor vitae aliquet. Nullam fringilla placerat nisi, et ultricies tortor mattis id. Nulla efficitur ultrices nisl, vitae iaculis diam porttitor nec. Nulla varius eros vitae porta consequat. Nullam neque arcu, porttitor in dictum malesuada, feugiat eu ex. Cras volutpat tincidunt feugiat. Aenean aliquam sit amet lectus id ultricies. Vestibulum posuere velit at lectus tincidunt accumsan.
Etiam eleifend, magna at sodales porta, tortor ante vulputate tortor, in cursus turpis ligula vel dui. Nullam id augue eu diam lobortis finibus. Sed id urna ac ipsum feugiat posuere in sit amet risus. Integer ut porttitor sem. Donec porttitor vitae leo at condimentum. Nulla pulvinar magna odio, eget rhoncus dui suscipit eget. Donec nisi nibh, vulputate eu sapien vel, pharetra porta sem. Pellentesque in purus tempor, tempus sem a, commodo magna.
Control who has access to the contents of this components. Differentiate between guests and users, or specify specific roles.
This text is only for guests. They can be pointed to all the advantages of signing up; logged in users aren't interested in this message.
Set a date/time slot during which the contents are visible. Will come in handy when announcing holidays when the company is closed for business.
A simple table. Define the number of header-rows, the number of columns, and start adding cells.
This is plain text, you'll use this component mainly in table cells. Any cell supports all components though.
Salutation | First name | Surname |
Dear | Pietje | Puk |
Dear | Bessie | Boe |
Dear | Tita | Tovenaar |
Add a sidebar to the main content area.
All added tiles are distributed over the number of columns you can specify per device-size, from left to right. If there's more tiles than columns, new rows are added automatically.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus tempus velit vel mattis placerat.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus tempus velit vel mattis placerat.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus tempus velit vel mattis placerat.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus tempus velit vel mattis placerat.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus tempus velit vel mattis placerat.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus tempus velit vel mattis placerat.
All items in the rows component are placed vertically. You can specify a specific style per row, and you can order the rows using drag and drop.
Adds a contact form.
Adds a feedback form.
Adds a newsletter subscription form.
Adds an office-locator form. Supports fetching your current location. Shows the closest offices to the given location.
Adds a direct-order form, where you type an article number and a quantity and quickly adds it to your basket.
Stay informed of news & promotions
Larserpoortweg 26
8218 NK Lelystad
+31 (0)320-296969
+31 (0)320-296929